Rebirth with the Butterfly
It’s time to celebrate. Easter is the time for rebirth. Spring is here and butterflies are in the air. I love this Hermes ad. What a beautiful butterfly! I’ve saved this Traditional Home article from November 2010 as reference because I’m so taken with Carin Gerard‘s artwork of Nature. These are just some of the many gorgeous examples of her beautiful artwork and butterflies. Be sure to visit her website to see much more. Her extraordinary realism and detailed trompe l’oeil style remind me of Mark Leithauser’s artwork, who’s work I really admire. If you’d like to see more butterfly art, flit on over to Casart coverings, where butterflies are…
Weeds and Butterflies
Weeds and Butterflies shows a pictorial reference with explanation as to why after 10 years of continuous monthly blog posting, Art Is Everywhere will move to a more sporadic posting schedule.
Fall & Rise
What do the fall and rise of human behavior and inexplicable natural meterorlogical phenomena have in common? Read more on Art Is Everywhere.