Trompe l’Oeil too
I’ve been posting about murals on every Monday for a while now and I’ve seen a lot of trompe l’oeil but there were a couple here on Web Urbanist that I had not seen before that I thought were interesting. Like these. They are pretty phenomenal and wild. This ceiling mural of trompe l’oeil putti is a classic, however, by Andrea Mantegna and the other ceiling is by Vasari and Zuccari in the Florence Duomo and the bottom, I sadly cannot remember from my Art History days. This is wonderful, modern trompe l’oeil mural work by William Cochran, who I’ve written about before. I was lucky to take a workshop…
Some Over the Top Trompe l’Oeil Murals
Continuing with my Mural Monday Theme, several muralists are known for their over-the-top, grand, trompe l’oeil style. I’m listing just a few here. 1) Eric Grohe, as described in the article, “Move over Bansky…” from the London Evening Standard. (There are a lot more pictures to be viewed on this link + here’s a previous post.) 2) John Pugh’s 3-D work is described in the article, “Off the Wall…” on the Daily Mail UK. 3) Murals of Lyon, France by Halim Bensaïd (CitéCréation), as described on France Today: Murals produced by CitéCréation were designed not just as decoration but to help the people of Lyon rediscover their local identity, to…
Celebration along the way and underfoot
A weekend of travel to Charlottesville to witness a son's college right-of-passage graduation is celebrated with a trompe l'oeil beer cellar mural and various wine vineyard and other mentions on Art Is Everywhere.