Fin DAC portrait1_AIE
Artists,  Creative Process,  Murals

FIN DAC fin de stencil

FIN DAC is a talented, stand-alone, self-taught, street artist. In the process of creating his artwork, he ends the traditional use of the stencil. Stencils are used as his essential template to start and then he builds upon them with layers. He also uses stencils as masks to diffuse and soften his spray paint additions while creating these beautiful and exotic images.

All images via WHUDAT.

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fin_dac_mural_spain_01_AIEHere’s an video clip that gives insight into his work and process.

Artist Series: FIN DAC from Abid Khan on Vimeo.

I'm an artist, wife and mother of two boys. I started my illustration business, The Occasional Palette over 35 years ago, when my oldest son was an infant. Once my children were in school, I began painting decorative, faux finishes and murals through my second business, Casart, now over 30 years old. My third business, Casart Coverings, is a springboard from my second. Click on the link on the sidebar to see innovative, custom, designer wallcovering, removable and reusable wallpaper and coordinating decor.