Highlighting Thankful Art
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I thought I’d highlight some thankful art.
There is a whole series of illustrations and paintings from the 1890’s by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris, who I was unfamiliar with. He was an American born painter who specialized in painting classic American History themes, one of them being Thanksgiving.
Click this link above to learn about the early Plymouth Colony as seen in Ferris’ depiction.
There are little known facts about Thanksgiving trivia on the History Channel link above that could bring some interesting discussion to the table.
But you may be more familiar with some of the illustrative-quality images that came from the Saturday Evening Post like this Childhood Thanksgiving by JC Leyendecker.
Probably the most recognizable painting is the Norman Rockwell’s Freedom from Want. Artists like Sam Spratt have added in contemporary imagery to make this iconic image more representative of modern times.
I happen to like this version of the Thanksgiving Parade by Patti Gilley via Fine Art America, particularly for its detail and bright coloration. I can’t tell if those turkeys could be perhaps on the run from winding up as dinner.
Considering my first Thanksgiving art looked much like this…
… I can really appreciate a more realistic depiction of turkeys and Thanksgiving themes.
Here’s hoping you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!